Friday, June 13, 2008

Food Storage Tip of the Week!

Food Storage Friday

I came across this fabulous site. I found the tips & Ideas very useful.
For us, knowing we are working on our food storage is a source of peace & relief.
Remember there are no wrong ways to do your food storage. Do what works for you & your family.
Good Luck & keep working on it.

Heather Miller

Friday, June 6, 2008

Food Storage Tip of the Week

Food Storage Friday

Wondering how much food storage you need?
One Month Basic Food Supply for one Adult
Item # 10 Can Shelf Life

Wheat 3 30+years
White Flour 1 10+ years
White Rice 2 30 years
Quick Oats 1 30 years
Macaroni 1 30 years
Pinto Beans 1 30 years
White Sugar 1 30 years
Powdered Milk 1 20 years
Shortening 1 8-10 years
Salt Shakers 4-4oz 20+ years
Visit for more info on Food Storage

Happy Friday - early friends! In an effort to help everyone with thier food storage, I thought it might be helpful if you had an idea of how much to get. Also check out the food calculator @ I highlight what we are working on for the month & then check it off when we've completed it.

(Keep in mind you can purchase beans, rice, wheat & quick oats online - They will be shipped directly to your home for about 4.00 a case more than if you can them yourself @ the cannery. It's SOOOOOO easy. Personally I order what I can online & save the cannery for the other stuff)

*This week's item is Rice. Now that the "famine" is over, it's a lot easier & cheaper to purchase.
Good luck, Keep working & know you will be blessed for following the councel of the Bretheren.

Here is a link for Food Storage Recipes also